What I offer:


During our 60-minute session, I will provide an intuitive reading and energy clearing. All you have to do is bring up a challenge you’ve been struggling to overcome, and I’ll help you identify your blind spot. Your blind spot could be one or more of the following things:

– Emotional attachment to someone

– Fear of pursuing a different path from your family or culture

– Clinging to a belief system that no longer serves you

– Inherited behaviours from your ancestors that need to be cleared and reprogrammed

– Complex and false beliefs that stem from specific childhood traumas or memories

By identifying and addressing your blind spot, we can work together to help you move forward and overcome your challenges.

My Etsy store:

My Etsy store is the ultimate destination for anyone seeking to explore their spirituality and achieve self-development. I offer a variety of Law of Attraction experiments, rituals, and guidance on using herbs and crystals to help you gain a better understanding of how to incorporate these tools into your daily routine. My goal is to help you heal, tap into your subconscious mind, and create an environment of self-discovery at your own pace. You are free to choose the options that resonate with you and explore your own magic. Find below the link to my store:

My Etsy store: